Solved exercises in Electromagnetism

1. Field the center of a ring having an opening. (The solution )

2. Field created by a hemisphere surface  charge. ~  ( The Solution)
3. field created by a portion of a cone. ~  (The Solution )

4. Field created by a disc at a point on its axis. ~   (The Solution )
5. electrostatic field created by an electrified segment. ~  (The solution )
6. Electrostatic field created by a hemisphere surface charge. ~  ( The solution )
7. Electric field on the axis of a system (-q, + q) ~  ( the solution )


∎ 1. The potential field created by a disc at a point on its axis of revolution. ~ ∎ ( The Solution )

∎ 2. Potential and field created by a charged hemisphere surface ~ ∎ ( the solution )

∎ 3. The potential created by a portion of a cone ~ ∎ ( The solution )

∎ 4. Field Lines

∎ 1. Hydrogen Atom ~ ∎ ( The solution )
∎ 2. Study of a cylindrical charge distribution. ~ ∎ ( The solution )
∎ 3. Crossing a charged layer ~ ∎ (The solution )
∎ 4. Field on the axis of a circular opening of a plan.~ ∎ ( The Solution )
∎ 5. Field in a spherical cavity.~ ∎ ( The solution )
∎ 6. Research Officer of the electrostatic field generated by a half-charged sphere surface.
∎ 7. Study of a spherical inhomogeneous distribution. ~ ∎ ( The Solution )
∎ 8. field in the vicinity of the axis of a uniformly charged hoop ~ ∎ ( The Solution )
∎ 9. uniform volumetric density between two planes


 4. electrostatic dipole.
1. Potential and a quadrupole field. CO2 modeling.
2. Oscillations of a dipole in the field created by a ring. (Corrected manuscript)
3. Study of the linear distributions.

►5. Movement of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field.
1. Shares of a magnetic field and a restoring force.
2. Actions of a magnetic field and a frictional force.
3. orthogonal E and B. Cycloid.
4. Movement of a proton in a liquid.
5. Movement of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field.
6. Action of a magnetic field. Magnetic deflection. Helical motion.
7. Movement of a particle loaded in a cylindrical volume.

►6. Magnetic Field.
1. A magnetic field created by a square coil.
2. Magnetic field at a point of the plan of a turn.
3. Determination of the magnetic field at the center of a wound sphere.
4. Magnetic field of a circuit bent right angle.
5. Magnetic field created by son and two half-turns.
6. Magnetic field created by two half-turns.
7. Magnetic field created by two circuits of the same length.
8. Solenoid square.

►7. Theorem of Ampere. Magnetic field flux.
1. determining the direction of a magnetic field.
2. Magnetic field inside a torus.
3. determining the characteristics of a current distribution

►8. Magnetic Dipole.
1. Magnetic field at a point of the plan of a turn.
2. Cardioid.

►9. Maxwell's equations.
 10. Electromagnetic induction.
1. Movement of a part in the magnetic field of an infinite wire.
2. Action of a movable magnet on a reel.
3. magnet suspended above a coil.
4. Two sliding turns on the same axis.
5. Flipping a magnet before a turn.
6. Levitation of a superconducting coil.
7. Movement of a square coil in a magnetic field.
8. damped oscillations.
9. contraction of a spring.

►11. Electromagnetic waves.
1. wave propagating between two planes.
2. Stationary Plane wave between two planes.
3. Reflection on a perfect conductor.
4. Propagation of transverse magnetic modes (TM) between two conductive planes.
5. Waveguide
6. transverse electromagnetic waves in a plasma.
7. Propagation of a wave in a plasma.
